Archive for May, 2013
Singing No to Nuclear
Granny Linda of the Peterborough Grannies and Granny Kate of the Toronto Grannies, above left, sing our message at the Pickering nuclear plant hearings on May 29, 2013. Kate was one of the Intervenors in the morning, and Peterborough Granny Jo also made […]
Lots of good opportunities to have your say
People are speaking their minds over the next few weeks, about more than a few important issues, and at more than a few times and places. Here’s a look at some events happening in May. Saturday May 25: March Against Monsanto is an international event. In some places, including here in Barrie, it’s […]
Three Grannies arrested for protesting
Grannies Lorna, Ruth, and Vicki of the Triangle Raging Grannies in North Carolina, were arrested on the evening of Monday, May 6. What was their crime? They exercised their citizens’ rights to speak their minds on repressive new legislation being proposed in the NC legislature. Click here for a news report with a photo of […]