For those who weren’t able to be there for Senior Groove, aka Elder Abuse “flash mob”, here’s a small peek. These lovely people below are a few of the many who came to sing and dance in the Bayfield Mall lower concourse on Saturday June 15, World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (see the previous post.)
A large contingent from Grandmothers And GrandOthers, Barrie swelled the crowd considerably. Our local media mistakenly referred to the crowd of Grandmothers as Raging Grannies, not the first time the two groups have been confused. We Raging Grannies don’t mind that at all; we hope the Grandmothers And GrandOthers don’t mind too much.
Aren’t those purple tees a gorgeous colour?
On the left is talented choreographer Joy Thompson, giving everyone a run-through of the dance steps. When the time came, we grooved to a pre-taped version of the Beatle’s song When I’m Sixty-four, sung as a duet with male and female voices, changed to When I’m Eighty-four, and adapted slightly to reflect the lifestyles of today’s seniors.
In the photo below is Kristy Webber (on the left), coordinator of the Prevention of Senior Abuse Network (PSAN) in Simcoe County. Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this successful and entertaining event: organizers, tech folks, musicians, singers, the choreographer, and everyone of all ages and both genders who showed up to sing and dance.
And here are the actual Raging Grannies. Below is Molly strutting her stuff with élan. Why are we not surprised? Next are Hendrika and Jane sharing a laugh. Jane is wearing two outfits at once, her Granny gear and a purple shirt, as she was one of the PSAN organizers. And below these are Anita, Hendrika and Molly.
Photos by damian lopes