More on the green thing, back then

A true story from Granny Molly










In 1967, my two kids being tucked up for their nap, I was relaxing in my back yard.  To my surprise, a man appeared at my gate and said he thought he might find me there, because there had been no reply to my front doorbell.  To my further astonishment, he came right in without being invited, and spent some time promoting some TV gadget.  I told him I wasn’t interested.  He asked me why, and I told him I just didn’t think I needed one.

Then he asked if I should perhaps discuss it with my husband.  I told him that no, that would not be necessary.  Back then, most wives would check with their husbands before spending money, so he demanded to know why I didn’t feel the need to consult my husband.

I replied “Because we don’t have a TV.”  He was furious.  “I’ve just spent twenty minutes talking to you about this, why didn’t you tell me?” I said, “You didn’t ask,” at which he announced angrily that I had wasted his time.

I told him that was not my problem.  He had invited himself into my backyard and perhaps he should realize that, generally, if people didn’t answer their doorbell it was because either they weren’t home, or did not wish to be disturbed.  He went off in one mighty huff, hopefully a little wiser.

After he left, I realized the neighbour’s twin 4 year old daughters had been watching the exchange through the mesh fence.  “Don’t you really have a T.V.?” they asked incredulously.  Not a stupid question, as I suspect everyone they knew owned one.  “No” I said.  “Do you have a bathroom?” they then asked.  I told them I did.   As far as they were concerned, when considering the necessities of life, TVs and bathrooms were of equal value!